On Tuesday, we decided to turn the value of integrity into a pet! We then wrote some instructions on how best to care for your pet integrity. Here are some of the many great instructions Room 6 students wrote.
How To Look After Your Integrity Pet!
1. You need to feed your integrity twice a day with yummy honesty bites. This will make integrity always tell the truth.
2. DON’T feed integrity yucky lie biscuits because this will make integrity a bad friend and a big fat liar.
3. Integrity should play with Respect, Self Management and Empathy these pets will be a big influence to Integrity and help him become a great pet.
4. Make sure that Integrity doesn’t plat with Disrespect, Liar and Meany.
5. If you follow these instructions your Integrity pet will be Gangstariffical!
By Caleb F!!!!!!!!!
how to look after integrity
Step 1
To feed integrity give it daily servings of honesty but never lies as they will make integrity sick.
Step 2
To exercise integrity regularly take It and show it off. This will increase integrity’s confidence
Step 3
To keep Integrity healthy and safe let it visit other pets but not lies, dis loyalty or bullying
To keep Integrity working use it every day & don’t neglect it. If integrity runs away be sure to get it back with Honesty, Respect, and Empathy
Step 5
Never ever let integrity fall asleep no matter how hard it is.
Step 6
To keep integrity alive always feed it, exercise it, always keep it awake and never let it stray
By Pako
1. You need to feed it honesty once a day and make sure it wont go hungry or thirsty. Do not feed it lies.
2. Make sure you wash integrity in a bath of loyalty every second day.
3. You must be kind and respectful to it otherwise it will become horrible and it will die.
4. Show it to the world so you can encourage people to buy integrity because it can help you lots.
5. You must make sure you fix it or take it to the integrity vet if it is hurt or broken because it will die if it gets hurt or broken.
6. Always teach it how to be focused. I would recommend you teach or tell it how to be focused at least twice a day.
7. Make sure it gets entertained everyday. You could let it listen to some smooth music or take it to a pet show. You could also let it play with respect.
By Sophia
1: To keep your pet Integrity healthy first you need to show it to the world at least once a day and let it play around and let it just be what Integrity should do, be honest and loyal to the people or animals around it. If you don’t show Integrity to the world it will forget all the things you have taught it and will go away to the deepest corners of earth and turn into a DIS loyal pet.
2: If you don’t want Integrity to turn out like that another thing you can do is feed Integrity twice a day every day. The most respectful food to feed it is Honesty Crunch, Loyalty Bites or even Respect in a Can. Don’t feed it canned lies or Disobedient meat or else once again it will go to the darkest corners of earth.
3: Last of all for your pet Integrity will have to trust you for it to be able to play with you and always stay by your side ways to keep it trusting you is to NEVER tell lies to it, play with it and don’t forget about it.
4: If you follow all these steps Integrity will be happy, healthy and trusting and wont go to the darkest corners of earth!!!
By Tayla
While I am on holiday please look after Integrity. Here are the instructions.
1. Feed it honesty it helps him become fit and healthy. Don’t feed it lies because it will grow week and ill.
2. When dirty put it in a bath of loyalty to clean of the disloyalty that has grown on his fur.
3. Give him some good thoughts if he has been good if he has been bad tell him not to do it again don’t shout.
4. When it has been really good take him to the Integrity show if he has been really bad take him to his doctor.
5. Sometimes let him out so it becomes happy and ready to help and not shy and sad. Only let him out for two hours before you have to feed it again.
6. Its best friends are Helpfulness and On task invite them round to your house once a day for two hours. Don’t let him in the garden after 9 because of evil and Off task.
Take care
Me (Pete)
Man they are awesome luv the seccond to bottom 1!!!!
Well Done Guyz!!! Ur Work Is Gangstariffical. Lol
u like stole calebs word LOL shame caleb!!!