Friday, 29 July 2011

EGYPTIAN hangman

Test your knowledge of words that relate to Ancient Egypt by playing this hangman game that uses words that relate to Egypt. I reckon in a few weeks time you'll be able to beat the computer easy! Hmm.. I wonder why...??


Friday, 22 July 2011

Springbok Tour still making headlines!

As I was reading the news this morning I came across this article about the Springbok Tour! It is about a former All Black who played in the 1981 games and his changed views about if hte tour should have gone ahead or not. I thought I would share this with you as this was our main focus last term. Click on the link below to go to the article.
Hewson puts the boot in 1981 tour

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Brick shooter Egypt

A wee thinking game to keep your brain working over the holidays!

Brick shooter

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Protest songs/raps/chants/rhymes

Room 6 was given the challenge of turning a popular nursery rhyme into a protest song/chant etc. about the Springbok tour. First we watched a video about the purpose of protest songs so that we knew what would make an effective song. Then, the students were given rhymes which they needed to put into syllables and turn the lyrics into words about the Springbok tour and the ideas behind it. The words had to fit in with the syllables and rhythm of the original rhyme.
Here are some of the fantastic songs the students produced.
Ben, Brian and Pete

Joseph and Adam

Our beat boxers! Thuon, Brook, Stuart

and a wee blooper....

Monday, 4 July 2011

Our amazing poets!!

Wow, we have some very exciting news in room 6 at the moment!!!
Yesterday our four poetry recital finalists (Brian, Tayla, Caleb F and Alyssa) competed against 13 other finalists from the Kakano syndicate to show off their recital skills.
I am very pleased to announce that 2 of these students are going through to the year 7 finals this Friday!!!
Congratulations to Tayla and Alyssa!! Room 6 is very proud of you!

Spongebob in Maori!!!

Who likes Spongebob??
Well if you do I've got a cool we clip for you to watch for Maori language week..... Spongebob has learnt Maori!! Take a look at this video that shows the Maori version of Spongebob squarepants.

Maori Spongebob

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Maori language week

Kia ora!!

This week is Maori language week.
As part of this I would like you to have a go at this Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori quiz.
Click on the link below and  get started. There is information to help you on the website and we will learn some things in class.

NZ history quiz

Kia waimarie!!

Ka kite anō :)